In need of a change of scene...

Friday, July 3, 2009

Jackson set to play vampire in Twilight series

Monday, June 29, 2009

With the King of pop's demise, it is pretty much impossible to surf the web without seeing the latest controversy surrounding his death.

I like to look at yahoo and view what is most searched( really cool feature). It was Micheal's baby mama, Debbie Rowe.

Looking at different pictures I came across this one, and WOAH-nelly!

Seriously this dude would have made such a good vampire. With the creepy child's voice, incredibly pale skin, blood red lips, and high cheek bones( let's be honest, he did have pretty good bone structure).

Scariest looking vampire, im sure.

TV rots your brain :O!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I recently discovered that I have an Indie channel, and a sundance channel. This is awesome! but also responsible for the mushiness of my behind.

One movie I saw which I thought was kind of appropriate for me was, Im through with White Girls. I have a history of having jungle fever-Why you ask? IDK!

In the movie our wonderful protagonist, meets a girl who isn't cursed with vampric paleness.

I went through the same "curse" as the protagonist( both our "dark females"also had dreads).

Anywho, it was humorous, and it didn't have that lame over-the-top black humor that most "black films" have (which I think might possibly be true, but it doesn't capture all black folk accurately).

Tastefully done, plus I'm all for the support of indie filmmakers. This is a keeper.

Happy Viewing!

I THINK your Beautiful!

Bjork, kelly, Drew,zooey-

Cute, Plump, Crazy
--I love 'em all

Be careful little eyes what you see

Saturday, June 20, 2009

I've always said that I wasn't a big movie guy. I would always go to the theater and fall asleep. That was until I saw Star Trek this summer( My God movies have changed). Even though Star Trek was MTV-ed up and what not, it was still pretty exciting. Since that I have been to the movies quite a lot. That movie Management even inspired me to study Buddhism at a monastery.

I want to watch movies that are somewhat realistic. I also try to watch ones with characters who have attributes that I feel are virtuous( be careful little eyes what you see).

Movies I will re-watch (which is rare for me):
the dog problem, feast of love, Armageddon, sex and death 101.

My inspiration for this post... I have never watched the entire movie for Armaggedeon. Every time its on TV I only get to see the part when they realize the detonator isn't working, and they have to pull straws. I've cried watching 2 movies, Armageddon and (... cant believe I'm admitting this) A Walk to Remember.

...I have so many blog entries that im working on right now. Keep posted for the one on my Birthday Week. Quick synopsis; utter-drunk-craziness

That's so Barbershop...

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sooooooo...I accompanied my father to the barbershop the other day. My father likes this Haitian Barbershop located in Newark, and he refuses a haircut from anyone else. The owners relocated to another area around the corner( wayy sketchy-er).

Anyways, I walked through the doors, and it looks like the move was recent, there were mirrors and decor stuff everywhere. As I shook hands with one of the barbers, I heard the familiar annoying theme of That's so Raven (I tried hard not to laugh, this dude could jack me up).

I was shocked. I really could not believe that this huge, buff, black man, was watching( unashamed) a Disney channel sitcom, It wasn't just your average sitcom either, it was one of the most ridiculous, over the top, annoying excuses for a show.

I painstakingly sat through an entire episode of That's so Raven... Even Stevens came on next.

Proofreading; My mind rambles...

...SO...a lot of people have started to read my posts- and by a lot I mean a little, well I don't know the exact count. Anyways, its nice to know that people are reading my work. I've even inspired some to create their own, and so the process goes on.

Anyways, since I've heard of this news, I figured that I would re-read my posts. I've realized from this that my mind rambles. Some of the things "I" the author couldn't even follow. I'm going to have to start proofing this stuff if I want to continue having readers.

In some ways though, I kind of like having my thoughts fresh, watching my mind jump from thought to thought, from topic to oh so random topic.

It'll come to me, I'm accepting suggestions.

"Movies lied to me about what life would really be like."

Thursday, June 11, 2009

A few weeks back I was in a store and I came across a Post Secret book- book composed of anonymous contributions of secrets. I didn't really feel like reading it, but I was with this girl and she was being a bore. I started flipping through and I came across this one post. It had clips from saved by the bell, and other shows, and the inscription read " Movies lied to me about what life would really be like." I thought that was one of the best posts I have ever read, because it's so true. Life is nothing like the movies, and so many people try to live theirs like that.

I was thinking about the quote last night as I was watching That 70's Show. I was looking at all the characters, and saying to myself "None of them really look like high school teens"( maybe Eric and Jackie do). It's crazy, because we have so many different generations looking at T.V shows, movies( our biggest now being Twilight) and desperately wanting that life ( or the guys in the movies, who really just don't exist). It also doesn't help to have TV shows like Laguna beach or The Hills, which portray teens living that Hollywood lifestyle, which is not realistic for most teens.

We really need to snap back to reality. I was told once by a professor that the best movies to watch are french movies. The reasoning may have been biased because this dude(I felt) desperately wanted to be French. But at the same time I can understand this reasoning. French movies are real. They don't deviate from what really could happen. They tell it like it is. That's what a lot of us need. We need to remember that we are actually living life, we aren't in a movie, and the things we do in our daily lives can't be rewritten in the script.

Staying grounded definitely is hard, with youtube, and American Idol even blogging. People feel it is easier to no attain the movie stardom.

We need to remember that life is hard, and most times we don't get a second chance. Having this instilled in our brains, may even help us to become better persons; more honest, more diligent, more generous. So next time you see that bum, give a little change, you can spare it.

My slow decent into Celibacy... cont.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Anyways, the following day I woke up at 5 am(mandatory), went to the contemplation room where we had to do our morning exercises. We then prepared for another 50 minutes of meditation. I am proud to say that my legs did cramp up but I didn't move that much, and my thoughts were a lot clearer. had an awesome lunch. It was like general Tso's tofu. [delicious]. Then I worked in the garden and boy did those mosquitoes/bugs love my blood.
I'm irresistible to both humans and insects.
After that we finished gardening, we had to attend Sunday service. Heading into the hall, I was feeling really good, quite monkish. I noticed that there were more people present which was exciting. Especially this one girl who had a multi-ethnic look to her. I was feeling even happier, because I was going to talk to her. We did another round of mediation, chanting(a lot of chanting), and then had a water/tea break. This was my chance to speak with the girl. She got up from her cushion, and I waited about 15 seconds before following her. As I opened the door to approach her she was heading back in. (UGh! that sucked) Suddenly I wasn't so thirsty. So i went to use the bathroom, checked myself in the mirror and went back to the service.

Chen Wen is a nice guy, but a Preacher of the Buddhist way...not so good. The biggest problem that I had with his message is that every subject was about what I brought up with him on our hike. I should have been credited for the message. Not only was his "lecture" ripped off from me, but it was also contradicting( At least I had Jillian to look at). I made up my mind then that I probably would not be returning. One more round of meditation (I started falling asleep by then). Then the bell rang and we were off to do as we pleased.

I got out of my cushion bowed at everyone, and headed outside for the post service cookie/tea break. Jillian was in front of me, and I got a good look at her body. Well in the face she looked young, but her body was pushing 30. I don't know what has been up with me lately and being attracted to older looking women. Anyways, even though I am attracted to a decent sized derriere, my big-bottomed girl Jillian was a stretch. My interest was lost.

Anyways, a lot went down hill from there. This Monastery wasn't what I expected. I started noticing the various cult-like ways, and disorder. Too many people who do not seem qualified are put in high positions. But before I would jump to conclusion I decided to do some research.

I located the old cute wise asian man, his name escapes me at the moment. I bombarded him with questions. It turns out that the Odious woman Buffy, who I took a quick dislike to takes over when Chen Wen isn't around. I have no idea why they would do that, she didn't seem to know her head from her toe. But whatever, I wasn't staying around another day anyways, so I wasn't going to let it get to me.

I left around 5:20 that evening, had a very pleasant talk with the cab driver, and left for Jersey.

I completely forgot about the reason for my title. Not only was it because Buddhist are sadly celibate, but because on my way to the place of Holiness, I met 2 girls. That Saturday afternoon making my way to the Monastery, I was lighting up my pipe on the Platform( ...I know Buddhist don't smoke). A tall, blonde with a short bob approached me. She was wearing black boots, black shorts, a white short sleeved shirt with some pretty cool eclectic jewelry.

Long story short. We shared a cigarette, i got her number, and later on im gonna tap that...jk. But she was cool, She's my age, attends FIT, and has a southern accent.

Next, when I was returning to Jersey, I came across a distressed girl. She kinda looked like corrina bailey rae( i totally destroyed her name). Anyways, she missed her train so she as upset. I turned to her and told her that I liked her hair. We hit it off after that. Turns out that shes 23 year old photographer from LA. We took pictures together, exchanged numbers and now that was my trip.

It was a pretty cool experience. I cant do long term commitments, so i probably couldn't live at the monastery for more than a few days.

Every time you change your surroundings, you create opportunities for yourself. If you sit at home all day, you lower your chances to experience a lot. So get off your seat, and do what you want, because you are younger than you think, fully capable and opportunites are everywhere, so go find 'em.

My slow decent into celibacy...

Monday, June 8, 2009

Not so recently I started reading the book Island. It is amazing and the reason I've been reading it for so long is because I don't want it to end. I've realized that when I read a good book and I'm drawing close to the end, I tend to slow down my reading pace. I want to remain in the story for as long as possible, but like all things, this too must come to an end.

A little synopsis on Island: A news reporter has landed on an island called Pala. When he reaches, he is surprised to see how advanced, peaceful and sufficient the Palanese society is. The book then goes into how their society has become this hidden Utopia.

Island has somewhat become a Bible for me. It has changed the way I think and the way I want to do things.

I was raised in a very religious christian household, and the church has always been a very important "hub" in my life.

A lot of people believe now that religion is the root of many evils in the world. But the cool thing about Island is that religion plays a pretty big part in how these people have created this Utopia, and the way they go about it is very simple, and quite clever( Kudos! to Aldous Huxley).

The key to their success, is the merging of 2 different religions, logic and...SCIENCE! The palanese merged Buddhism, Hindu and western liberal philosophies of what you see is what you get.

This book has struck such a chord in me, that I wanted to experience palanese culture for myself(or get as close to it as possible). Thus being one of the motives for what became an epic journey to a Buddhist monastery.

  • I started researching about Buddhism last summer ( just to make sure that it wasn't any demonic stuff) and I found it fabulous...I thought that was as far as it would go.
  • My roommate at school and I have some pretty deep discussions about an array of topics. One that comes up from time to time is religion. He always raises really good points on the issues, but I am never thumped, I always have an answer. He is an atheist, and told me once that if anyone could help him believe in God again it was me.
    Wow! Shock to the brain.
    He believes religion is my calling. I always brushed that part off though.
  • I met this girl at this volunteer-help-feed/clothe-the-homeless type thing. We went on a "kinda date" and saw this indie flick Management, which I thought was a really good movie (mostly because of all The New Pornographer songs in it) . The critics didn't really like it, but in most of the reviews, it seems as if they forgot it was a comedy. Anyways, in part of the movie our lovable protagonist, Steve Zahn is told by his friend Al (whose character was my favorite), to stay to this Buddhist monastery to get over a girl he loved.
    ...I didn't know you could do that, and I wanted to do it.
    He stayed there for a few days, figured out what he needed to figure out from the wise head Buddhist, and it just looked like an awesome experience.
That next day I started looking online and calling around for Monasteries that allow pupils to board. I found one! Dharma Drum which is located in upstate New York...I think.

I arrived at the place Saturday, June 6th around 5:30PM, ready for some dinner. The place was beautiful, trees everywhere, and the animals were not afraid of my human presence( they were within arms length of me). I was greeted by a short, young, bald white male who reminded me of my high school math teacher Mr. Wilson.

I was very open to everything, but I wasn't expecting this white guy (Haha, found his pic! guy in middle) to be my wise guru of the Buddha path.

He welcomed my in to eat and my first meal there was atrocious! I walked into a building which was poorly lighted and 3 people already seated. Buddhist are supposed to be vegetarians, and there was a small variety of vegetarian options. I got some of the soup and tofu. the soup was bland, and the tofu was spicy. I took a pretty good mouthful and nearly coughed it up. In their defense I was warned by the old Asian man to sample it first. I filled myself with PB&J.

After the mediocre dinner, I was showed to my quarters, and was invited on a tour by the short, young, bald white male who reminded me of my high school math teacher Mr. Wilson, Chen Wen( his Buddhist name).

The sun was setting and it was beautiful as we hiked past the lake. I asked him many questions as we walked; his views on sex, life, people, emotions, love.

He continually impressed me with his answers. We started walking through some really tall trees, and it sounded as if it were drizzling, but there was no rain. Then Chen Wen speaks"Its raining shit, caterpillars are amazing aren't they." I was a little taken aback that he cursed, but it was refreshing.

After our hike he told me that I had time for myself until 9pm where everyone meets in the contemplation hall for meditation.

At 9, all started heading to the contemplation hall. In the room men sat on the right half and women on the left. After a quick tutorial on my sitting position we began. We were to meditate for 50 minutes :O! I find it hard to sit for 2 minutes in silence, I didn't know how I was going to do this for 50.

  • 5 minutes into it, my thoughts were clouding my head.
  • 10 minutes into it, I started singing the song Broken strings (beautiful song)in my head.

  • 20 minutes, my leg starts to fall asleep on me..."you can't play on broken strings...".
  • 25 minutes, I really want to rearrange myself, but it was so awfully quiet "...that your heart don't want to feel"( I could not get the song out of my head).
  • 30 minutes, I rearrange, and then a get the pin and needles sensation in my foot. UGH!" the truth hurts..."
  • 31-40 minutes in I continually rearranging myself . "...and lies worse"
  • 45 minutes, I start looking around at everyone, wondering if they are in as much distress as I "...and I love you a little less".
  • 50 minutes, DING! the bell rings, its over.
Walking back to the dorm, that wise old Asian man (he sat beside me during mediation) finds me and asks if that was my first time doing sitting meditation. I said yes, and he responds with, " You have a long journey ahead of you." I chuckled to myself. I really did appreciate his honesty, and the humor behind it, lol. What a cute old man.

To be continued...

First Post!

Recently I have been inspired to start a blog. I kinda wanted to do youtube posts, but I would want documentary type posts instead of sitting in front of my PC recounting events.

...Soooooo I've been searching for blog spots for the past 2 days, and I settled for this one.

I've realized that way too many interesting events happen in my life, and it's always nice to share. Plus my memory is bad...not a very good place for me to store information.

Look out for my posts!
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