Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hello all.

I am sorry for my absence. However, this absence has not been in vain. I was busy trying to get through my first semester of my senior year...and boy did I not try. I was way too busy trying to find myself, planning foam parties, chasing tail, getting over ex- lovers, boozing and singing to my hearts content (drunk and sober).

I did do a lot of firsts , and seconds HA!...but that's for later or maybe never.

I've all of a sudden become infatuated with the thought of being a musician. Idk if that will work out. Im starting to think that i dont have a good voice.

After quitting ciarettes and trying not to drink and curse anymore, i think my voice is getting bad. Maybe i gave up my chemical X.

Next semester is approaching at a rapid rate, and im a little frightened to "start my adult life". My fun cannot be over this fast...whatevs, i'll try to deal.

this break has been pretty cool though. ive been getting trashed a lot. I can finally see the fun in drinking until the lights become blurry. Its fun when your with people you trust.

i did one thing, that was horrendously regrettable, but ooo so funny; after getting dropped off from an amazing adventure that night, my mouth automatically opened and i spewed mickey-d's special sauce all over my driveway. it was like a drunken dance of me gracefully trying to not get it on my clothes, while still walking and still yakking (it was nothing a little snow couldn't cover).

New york has been our destination for partying and wondering the streets and subways aimlessly.

there are some strange characters out in the early AM of the magical city we call New York.

I tell you, i would love to buy a flat and live there. This slow-paced, jersey suburban life is not for me. However, i still am not sure what is for me...but it def. aint here.

New years was particularly fun. We partied in Brooklyn, the best place ever. I hung out with my bff(mo), my long lost bff(mae), my cousins, and some crazy ass people from all over this country.

No details tonight-just major facts.

apparently im a light weight drinkger now after this crazy detox diet i went on after school ended: raw oats, soymilk, nutmeg, vanilla extract and brown sugar (tastes like success). Now im on this Hindu diet where i eat really hot foods(burns going in and burns going out).

well i was a mess, i hooked up with 1 girl, and then kissed up with another girl right infront of her. bad deal, i think i like the girl i kissed first. i wasnt very suave about it either, but the setting was nice (brooklyn rooftop alone, with fireworks in the background) and that awkward mood of "do it already" set in.

sadly i dont remember if it was well received and i dont think thats a question you can ask a chick...whatevs.

i DJ-ed that night. yes, i was the tool who plugged in my I-pod without permission and rocked out to indie/ 80's ballads, that however was well received.

this typing thing is becoming too im going to subsize all this.

we went to a pizza joint. i spoke to 3 underage girls that they shouldnt be this late out( they were 14, it was 3am)

tried to get a cab to head to another party, none stopped for us.

walked to the subway. waited there forever, took pictures, laughed a lot, and smashed wine bottles we finished and stole from the last party.

on the train, i decided to pass around this bottle O vodka that wound up in my hand to all these diseased strangers. all this while starting a mini-riot on that L train, i have never influenced that many strangers in my life to yell, sing, swing and stomp as hard as they did that night. we had the train swaying from all the feet pounding, it was a beautiful drunken mess.

made some friends got into a mini dance off with an angry, tiny-gay asian man i thought was a woman for the longest time.

by this time, i dont know how i did it. but i was able to walk...this is where the black out occurs. when i start to black out, (which has happened twice to me in my short life) i become very mean...and boy do i say some nasty things. apparently i tried to fight 4 strangers that night because one spoke about i remember this no, but the people i was with stories are the same so i guess i have to believe it.

it was a colorfully fun night, with many new and exciting occurrences. I didnt die and learned many lessons ( the next morning of course).

Life is becoming an adventure again.


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